Relaxation of measures as of today in Cyprus

New relaxations of measures aiming to restrain COVID-19 come into effect as of today, Monday, 21 February, according to the decree issued by Health Minister Michalis Hadjipantela on Friday, while others are being introduced, such as a rapid test once a week for children aged 4 years and over.

The relaxations include among others lifting the entry ban for those who have not completed their vaccination regime in restaurants, nightclubs, stadiums, theatres, cinemas, weddings, christenings and hotels or tourist accommodations.

The measure will enter into force on Monday 21 February 2022 and entry will be allowed by showing a SafePass in the form of a 24-hour rapid antigen test or a complete vaccination regime or a valid COVID-19 recovery certificate.

According to the decree, the increase of the maximum number of persons in restaurants nightclubs, music and dance halls, weddings and christenings from 200 to 250 has been approved, provided all health protocols are complied with. The increase of the number of persons per table in the above establishments from 8 to 12 has also been approved.

In addition, from Monday onward, a total of 20 people will be allowed to attend private gatherings (excluding children up to 12 years of age), provided that the total number of 30 persons is not exceeded.

From Monday, 21 February, children aged 4 and over attending kindergarten and pre-elementary schools will have to undergo a weekly rapid test, according to the decree.

Moreover, the extension of the “test to stay” measure in primary and secondary education was decided, while teleworking percentage in companies will be reduced from 50% to 25%. Those who test positive or are close contacts of a positive case will self-isolate and work from home.

Also, from 21 February 2022, workers in day care facilities for vulnerable groups, transitional shelters for homeless people, day centres and child protection facilities, will be required to demonstrate either a negative laboratory test (PCR) of 72 hours, or a negative rapid test of 24 hours, or a valid completed vaccination certificate, or a valid certificate of recovery from COVID-19.

Also from Monday, capacity at stadiums is increased to 70% and to 75% at cinemas and theatres.

Finally, all surgeries concerning non-urgent incidents can be resumed as of 28 February.

New measures enter into force on the 21st of February at 5:00 AM will continue to be in effect until the 14th of March at 23:59 PM.

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