Marquinhos Havana is still laughing…into his soup!
It all begins in the hotel bar. We are waiting to be shown to our seats in the restaurant. As we tittle tattled our gossip is interrupted by a grumpy husband and disciplinarian wife while running around us like a petulant puppy is a manic waiter. Yes it is the one and only BBC series Fawlty Towers, though here it has morphed into Faulty Towers The Dining Experience at The President Hotel in central London. I have to be careful how much I say without going into spoiler territory but this is a real hoot of an experience with Rob Langston (Basil), Karina Garnett (Sybil) and Ben Hood (Manuel). They say they are paying homage to the original show and if so they do it with elan and an abundance of hysterical episodes…while we try and eat! The food is good too.
Superb immersive theatre, witty actors who improvise at a whim and keep all their customers satisfied. As for that bit with the soup…you’ll just have to go and see for yourself.
By Barney Efthimiou
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