Happy Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s day approaching, so many seem to get wrapped or fixated with the idea of romantic love and all expectations that go with it. When a person is single, they may hope for finding that loving companion, when in a relationship, there may be other hopes and dreams of what it should be like. If one has to work at it on either, there may be difficulties. Love should come naturally from within, it should be about loving in a natural form, being kind, caring, sharing time, thoughts and all for another, as well as yourself.

There are many people who are selfless, and many who are selfish, a balance of knowing when putting another’s feelings and needs along with your own, to make you and another person feel loved and happy, is what counts.

Romantic relationships usually start with a first look, and then maybe a subtle second glance, just to confirm that we are physically attracted to that person. That part seems natural enough, but it is not until we first start talking to that person that we truly begin to decide whether we would like to take that friendship or relationship further. How many times have we met someone, thought they were attractive and then been totally disappointed and left wondering why that person did not live up to expectations. So looks really are not everything!

When people connect on a deeper level and become close, it’s as though auras begin to merge. If from the beginning one tuned into their intuitive feelings for another, they will feel comfortable with someone’s good vibration or possibly sense that something is not quite right. Going against that ‘something is not quite right’ instinct can cause a lot of problems in the future. So learning to trust and believe in your instincts can save a lot of grief.

Relationships of any sort, in order to run smoothly, need to learn to communicate, to tune up, rehearse and work alongside each other for some time, similar to instruments in a band before playing, so that they can play in harmony with one another for powerful and sweet music, otherwise it could be a musical disaster. It should not be a constant battle of who knows what works best all the time, it should be a balance; there will be mistakes, errors made on either party here and there, lack of communication and often some compromise. So a little allowance for the odd error in the usual harmonic sound, isn’t so bad, as it allows for future improvement. If however the band just has no communication and the members insist on constantly being right, the sound of sweet music will not be very often and the band may not last too long.

Valentine’s day is  also called Saint Valentine’s day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, and is celebrated usually on 14th February. It is a Christian feast day honouring one or two early Christian Martyrs named Saint Valentine and through later folk traditions, it became a significant cultural, religious and commercial celebration of romance and love in many parts of the world.

The ancient Romans may also be responsible for this name of our modern day love. It was told that Emperor Claudius II executed two men both named Valentine on February 14th of different years in the 3rd Century A.D; their Martyrdom was honoured with the celebration of St Valentine’s.

Biblical verses about love and affection: love is kind, love is patient. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

Love is not just about romantic love, but having love, compassion, and empathy for all others. Often it is not said, but is shown with kindness and consideration by action of another.

Valentine celebrations and traditions include exchanging gifts such as chocolates and roses, children would exchange Valentine’s cards that would contain candy., spending time and sharing food and drink with a loved one.

Cards and decorations would feature Cupid and his arrows, hearts and doves. Cupid became the symbol of Valentine’s day because he is associated with the erotic passionate type of love, and the arrows cause his targets to fall in love.

Religious celebrations would be of Church services or feasts.

Show a little love ❤️


Love and Sparkles

Samsara x


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