Enfield want to help children and young people
We want to help children and young people with SEND to have their voices heard, so they can be involved in local policy and practice development. We are looking for young people to
• be part of a group that meets regularly to discuss topics that are important to them, giving them a voice in decisions, planning, and the development of services and projects that affect themselves and their peers
• become a Young Inspector, where they’ll have the opportunity to visit services and say what is good about a service, and how that service could be better
• be involved in the recruitment process for those working with children and young people
• take part in projects to raise awareness of SEND and increase accessibility e.g. blogs, videos, campaigns
• help to make Enfield an even better place to live
If you, or someone you know would like to get involved, contact [email protected] today. #YouthEnfield
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