Cyprus announces three deaths and 2,167 new Covid-19 cases on Wednesday
Three deaths and 2,167 new Covid-19 cases were announced on Wednesday by Cyprus` Ministry of Health.
The deaths concern three men aged 74, 77 and 81. They all died on Tuesday, the Health Ministry said. This brings the total number of deaths from Covid-19 to 833.
According to the Ministry, 161 patients with Covid-19 are being treated in hospitals. Of these, 36 are in serious condition: 23 in High Dependency Units and 13 who are intubated in Intensive Care Units. In total 64.3% of hospitalisations concern people who are not vaccinated.
On Wednesday, 96,880 tests were carried out of which 6,183 were PCR and 90,697 rapid tests – with a positivity rate of 2.24%. So far, 313,406 cases in total were recorded in the Republic of Cyprus.
The new cases concern 135 people who were found positive during contact tracing (53 from PCR, 82 from rapid tests), 1,187 were found positive through testing on private initiative (171 from PCR, 1,016 from rapid tests), and 832 who got tested through the rapid testing programme offered by the Health Ministry. The latter concerns 605 cases that emerged during tests at the mobile testing units, 78 in high schools, 55 from the `Test-to-Stay` measure, 11 in nursing homes, and one in closed structures.
The Health Ministry clarifies that all the figures mentioned in the announcement are indicative and may vary based on the final and updated data that are announced every other Friday in the National Epidemiological Risk Report.
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