Enfield Council: School pupils urged to get their first coronavirus jab before school restarts

A major drive has been launched by the NHS, and supported by Enfield Council to ensure young people in the borough are vaccinated against coronavirus before schools reopen in September.


All 16 and 17 year olds are to be offered the Covid-19 vaccine and NHS England has launched an online site finder: www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/find-a-walk-in-coronavirus-covid-19-vaccination-site/ to make it easier for young people to be inoculated and receive vital protection against the potentially lethal coronavirus.


Enfield Council is supporting this work and is providing a vaccine bus which is touring the borough to make sure everyone has access to the potentially life saving jabs.


Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care, Cllr Alev Cazimoglu, said: “We’re urging everyone who is eligible to get the coronavirus vaccine to get it as soon as possible but we are especially keen for residents from our black and minority ethnic populations and eastern European backgrounds – which have lower vaccination take up rates to come forward.


“We have vaccine buses and pop up sites all round the borough in the weeks to come, so it will be impossible to miss them. Vaccination is the single most effective defence against coronavirus. You don’t need to be registered with a GP or make an appointment to get the vaccine and nor will there be any checks on immigration status. 


”As well as our school aged residents I would urge anyone who has not been vaccinated already to get their jab to ensure they remain safe and healthy and play their full part in helping us to beat this terrible virus.” 


Vaccine mini bus and pop-ups are being held at

25 August – Lidl (opposite Ordnance Unity Library), Hertford Road, EN3 6LZ, 10am to 6pm Pfizer and AstraZeneca

27 August – Joyce and Snell’s Estate (next to Boundary Hall), N18 2SY, 2pm to 6pm, Pfizer and AstraZeneca

28 August – Lidl, Sterling Way, Upper Edmonton, N18 2XZ, 10am to 6pm, Pfizer and AstraZeneca

29 August – Ponders End Park, Ponders End, EN3, 2pm to 6:30pm, Pfizer and AstraZeneca

1 September – Tesco Enfield Town, Savoy Parade, EN1 1NW, 12pm to 8pm, Pfizer and AstraZeneca 


Vaccine walk-in service – seven days a week (9am-6pm) 

Carlton House, 28 Tenniswood Road EN1 3LL 

Evergreen Surgery, 1 Smythe Close N9 0TW

Parkview Pharmacy – 195 Bramley Road, N14 4XA


The Covid-19 vaccine is available to anyone over 16 years old and no appointment is needed. The Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines will be offered and residents can only receive their second Covid-19 vaccination a minimum of eight weeks after their first. 

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