We have approved a £50 supermarket voucher contribution for each child and young person entitled to benefit related free school meals over the summer holidays.
The digital vouchers cover a choice of all the major supermarkets and will be distributed to entitled families before the end of term by their nursery, school or college.

Teresa Heritage, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Families, said:

“We know that the cost of feeding growing children during the holidays can be expensive and so we’re pleased to be able to offer some help towards the cost of food for families entitled to free school meals this summer.

“This support is part of our ongoing work to ensure that those most affected by Covid-19 have the help they need to get back on their feet. In addition to this scheme, there is dedicated funding in place to help families through our Hertfordshire Family Centre Service and via HertsHelp to make sure that no child or young person in the county need go hungry.”

The funding for this contribution, has been provided by the Government’s Department of Work and Pensions to help families and individuals who may benefit from some extra support towards the cost of food as a result of the pandemic.

In addition to this contribution, children aged 5-16 who are entitled to benefit related free school meals have also been invited to attend the HAPpy Holiday Activity Programme through their school with thousands of free spaces are available across the county.

The scheme run in partnership with Herts Sports Partnership and Hertfordshire Community Foundation will see all sorts of clubs and organisations providing enriching days with lots of physical activity and delicious healthy food. To book a place using the code from your school, visit: http://sportinherts.org.uk/happy/booking

For those families who are not eligible for free school meals, but need a little extra help, HertsHelp may be able to offer advice and practical help towards the cost of food and household bills. Email [email protected], call 0300 123 4044 or visit www.hertshelp.net

If you have children under 19, you may also be able to access the following support and services;

Hertfordshire Family Centre Service offer advice, health services and practical support to parents, carers, children and young people and are helping to reach out to families who could benefit from the Local Covid-19 Support Grant funding. You can call them on 0300 123 7572 or find you nearest centre at hertsfamilycentres.org
If you are at least 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under four, you could be entitled to Healthy Start Vouchers to spend on milk (including formula), fruit, vegetables and pulses (including fresh, frozen and canned). There are over 5,000 pregnant women and young children in Hertfordshire missing out on between £221-£442 per child, per year. Check your eligibility on gov.uk/healthy-start or speak to your local Family Centre.
If you are at least 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under four, you can also get free vitamins. Speak with your local Family Centre on 0300 123 7572 or find you nearest centre at hertsfamilycentres.org
To find out if you are eligible and apply for free school meals for the Autumn term, visit: hertfordshire.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals

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