Following the lifting of most remaining COVID-19 restriction on July 19, Haringey Council has launched a new campaign to guide residents on how to minimise their exposure to COVID-19.


The new ‘Keep Doing the Right Thing’ campaign features guidance about how to manage the risk of exposure to COVID-19, as we all learn to live with it.


With cases of COVID-19 and hospitalisations rising in Haringey as elsewhere, the campaign reminds residents that while restrictions have been lifted, everyone should take responsibility for their actions to protect themselves and others from coronavirus.


In the week ending 17 July, 1,071 new cases of COVID-19 in Haringey were registered by the NHS. This is the highest number reported in recent months.  Over 160,000 people in the borough have now received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, with 116,157 having received both doses.


During the pandemic, we have all adopted good COVID protecting behaviour, such as Hands, Face, Space and Fresh Air, as outlined by government and reiterated by Public Health England and local authorities across the country. Continuing to follow this guidance will enable us all to limit our exposure to COVID-19, while cases continue to rise.


In addition, the campaign urges eligible people to get vaccinated without delay, as it is the success of the vaccination programme, and the protection it now gives most of the adult population in the UK, that has enabled us to finally move out of lockdown.


One in three people with COVID-19 don’t have any symptoms but can pass it on to others. This is why we must all continue to test ourselves twice a week using lateral flow testing, even if we have been double vaccinated. Free home test kits are widely available across the borough from participating pharmacies, libraries and from the council’s teams out and about in the community.


Dr Will Maimaris, Director of Public Health at Haringey Council said:


“Although the government has lifted most legally enforced COVID-19 restrictions, with cases of COVID-19 and hospitalisations on the rise in Haringey, now is not the time to let our guard down.


“How we manage the spread of the virus within our communities is down to us.  We all have a responsibility to play our part in stopping the spread, so that we can protect vulnerable people and finally get back to a more normal way of life.


“Please play your part to keep Haringey safe and keep doing the right thing.”

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