The Russian Embassy in Cyprus said on Tuesday in a post on its social media accounts that it is monitoring the situation with Cyprus Airways and takes steps within its competencies to resolve it.

Asked by CNA about the issue that arose after Russian authorities decided to ban Cyprus Airways from transporting passengers from Cyprus to Russia, a Russian Embassy spokesperson said that they are aware of the situation and that they are trying to do what they can within their competencies in order to solve the problem.

We were informed yesterday about the situation, we contacted Moscow, we have conveyed the position of Cyprus` Transport Minister and we are waiting for their response. “We are doing our best in cooperation with the competent Russian authorities to solve the problem as soon as possible,” the spokesperson told CNA.

He also noted that the issue is being handled by the Russian Civil Aviation Authority, which is the competent organisation for issues of cooperation with foreign air companies.  

Cyprus` Transport Minister Yiannis Karousos told CNA on Monday that the government will do whatever is necessary to solve the issue. Karousos said that the Department of Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation informed Cyprus Airways by email that its aircraft could transport passengers from Russia to Cyprus but not vice versa, noting that Cyprus Airways planes would arrive in Russia empty in order to bring back passengers.
The Minister said it appears the decision was part of the package of measures Russia had taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

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