Turkey announces provocative military plans near Crete – huge warning to EU before summit
Turkey has sparked controversy in the region after sending survey ships into the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Ahead of the crucial EU summit on December 10, NAVTEX orders were issued by the Turkish military. The drills will be held on Monday, southeast of the island of Crete in a daring move by the Turkish governmentTURKEY has announced fire drills in the Mediterranean Sea near to the Greek islands, exacerbating tensions between the two states.NAVTEX messages are information sent to other ships to inform them of activity in the area. Previously, Brussels has threatened to impose sanctions on Turkey if it continued to make unilateral decisions in the waters. The controversy surrounds the energy explorations of the Oruc Reis vessel which returned to the mainland two weeks ago.
The ship has conducted four separate exploration missions in the Eastern Mediterranean with Ankara arguing the region is on the Turkish shelf, and therefore in its territory.
Speaking last week, EU Council President, Charles Michel warned Turkey its movements in the waters now need to end.
He said: “I think that the cat and mouse game needs to end.
We will have a debate at the European summit on December 10 and we are ready to use the means at our disposal.”
Previously, Greece has warned Turkey risks sparking a serious escalation if it continues with its survey missions.
Both countries have also performed drills in the waters in a show of force in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Such is the dire state of affairs in the region, French President Emmanuel Macron criticised Turkey’s actions.
Macron has been one of the leading voices for sanctions against Turkey within Europe.
He said previously: “When it comes to Mediterranean sovereignty, I have to be consistent in deeds and words.
“Germany and other partners are beginning to agree with us that Turkey’s agenda is problematic today.
“When six months ago people were saying France is the only one blaming Turkey for things, everyone now sees that there is a problem.”
Initially, Turkey resumed energy surveys in the region after Greece and Egypt signed a landmark maritime agreement.
The agreement will now allow the two to benefit from the resources available in an exclusive economic zone.
It was widely seen as a response to a similar agreement signed between Libya and Turkey.
Cyprus also plays a key part in the escalation of relations due it inhabiting both Turkish and Greek Cypriots.
The island was invaded in 1974 and has since been divided with any peace process hindered by the current clashes between Greece and Turkey
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