The Hive London, home of Barnet Football Club and London Bees has become one of the first COVID-19 NHS Vaccination Centres in the UK, with the first vaccines administered on site Tuesday 15th December.

It also becomes the first site within a football stadium to open it’s doors to the NHS, as the potentially life-saving vaccine is rolled out to those who are most vulnerable within the local community.

Today saw the first patients receive the vaccine and over the next five months, The Hive London’s extensive stadium facilities will enable a consistent flow of people to be administered with the vaccine.

The home of the Bees becomes the first Football Stadium directly associated with the ground breaking vaccine and are immensely proud to be host to our NHS heroes.

Chairman Tony Kleanthous said: “We are at the centre of our community and are extremely honoured to be able to do our bit in helping the NHS roll out the vaccine.

“Seeing the huge efforts of the NHS is inspiring and we owe it to them to be able to play a small part in supporting the collective fight against the virus. The work the NHS are delivering from our site aligns well with our community objectives and the Club’s proud traditions.”

One Response to The Hive London, home of Barnet Football Club and London Bees has become one of the first COVID-19 NHS Vaccination Centres in the UK

  1. leslie lipowicz says:

    happy to come if any vaccine left in the evening thank you 07740786133

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