European Council call on Turkey to stabilise and permanently de-escalate in the Eastern Mediterranean,

The 27 EU Heads of State and Government agreed at 01:00 local Brussels` time on Friday morning on the European Council conclusions calling on Turkey to stabilise and permanently de-escalate in the Eastern Mediterranean, condemning unilateral actions in Varosha, calling for the resumption of Cyprus reunification talks and announcing additional entries in the list of restrictive measures for illegal Turkish drilling in the Cypriot EEZ, as well as an extension of the scope of this decision. In addition, they mandate the High Representative to report on options and tools to be considered at the European Council of March 2021 at the latest.

More specifically, according to the adopted text, the European Council reiterated “its conclusions of 1-2 October on the European Union`s relations with Turkey in the light of the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean.”

Regrettably, the conclusions read, “Turkey has engaged in unilateral actions and provocations and escalated its rhetoric against the EU, EU Member States and European leaders.Turkish unilateral and provocative activities in the Eastern Mediterranean are still taking place, including the exclusive economic zone of Cyprus.”

At the same time, the European Council notes “the withdrawal of the Oruc Reis and insists on a sustained de-escalation so as to allow the early resumption and smooth continuation of direct exploratory talks between Greece and Turkey.”

The European Council reaffirms the EU `s “strategic interest in developing co – operation and a mutually beneficial relationship with Turkey.”

The offer of a positive EU-Turkey agenda remains on the table, it says, “provided Turkey show readiness promote a genuine partnership with the Union and its Member States and to resolve disputes through dialogue and in accordance with international law. Such an agenda could cover the areas of economy and trade, people – to – people contacts, high – level dialogue and continued cooperation on migration issues.”

The European Council “stresses the importance of keeping the EU-Turkey communication channels open.”

The EU, it says, “will also be prepared to continue providing financial assistance to Syrian refugees and their host communities in Turkey and to cooperate on responsible management migration flows towards all Member States and stepping up efforts in the fight against migrant smuggle networks.”

Recalling the conclusions of 1 and 2 October, the EU remains committed to defending its interests and those  of its Member States, as well as upholding regional stability.

In this respect, the European Council

–  invites the Council to adopt additional listings based on its Decision of 11 November 2019 concerning restrictive measures in view of Turkey`s unauthorized drillings in the Eastern Mediterranean”.

– invites the High Representative and the Commission to submit a report on the state of EU-Turkey political, economic and trade relations, as well as on the options and instruments on how to proceed, including on the extension of the scope of the above mentioned decision for consideration at the latest at the March 2021 European Council.

The European Council condemns “Turkish unilateral steps in Varosha and calls for full respect for UN Security Council Resolutions 550 and 789.” It supports the “speedy resumption of negotiations under the auspices of the UN-and remains fully committed to a comprehensive settlement og the Cyprus problem, within the UN framework, in line with Security Council resolutions and in line with the principles on which the EU is founded.” It, adds that it “expects the same of Turkey. The European Council agrees that upon resumption of the negotiations under the UN Secretary-General auspices, the EU will appoint a representative to the UN Good Offices Mission.”

“The European Council asked the High Representative to take forward the proposal of the Multilateral Conference on the Eastern Mediterranean,” the conclusions read.

The EU will seek to coordinate on matters relating to Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean with the United States.

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