Coronavirus infection rates in London are some of the highest in the country. So we all need to take urgent action to bring things under control.
We’re appealing for all Enfield residents not to let their mask slip. When you leave home, please wear your face covering throughout your shopping trip.
Don’t meet people from beyond your household or bubble indoors. That includes in your home or in a pub or restaurant setting.
We all want to return to normality, and this is most keenly felt at this festive time of year. All Londoners must step up their efforts to keep each other safe. Wash your hands. Cover your face. Make space.
If you have the symptoms of coronavirus, a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss or change to your sense of taste or smell, you must self isolate and book a test.
You can do this, and find out where the testing sites are in Enfield by visiting our webpage.