Cyprus: Two more deaths and 270 new COVID -19 cases announced on Sunday

Two more deaths and 270 new COVID-19 cases were announced on Sunday, by the Health Ministry.

The PCR tests indicate that 1 in 8 citizens checked, is positive. Sunday`s results are all local transmissions as no positive tests were found at the airports or at migrants` centers.
Since November 29, Cyprus recorded 13 deaths from COVID-19 with the total number being 61 of whom the 39 are males (64%) and 22 females (36%).

Moreover, 121 patients are getting treatment right now and 18 are in critical condition.

The tests done are  7,918 and  2,090 were via PCR while 5,828 were rapid tests. PCR gave 270 cases and the total in the Republic is 12,451. The 270 cases include 69 confirmed cases that tested positive via rapid the previous days.

The rapid tests gave 202 positive results which will be confirmed via PCR.

The people who lost their lives is a 72  year old male with underlying conditions who was hospitalized at the ICU of the Nicosia General Hospital and a  86 year old female with underlying condition who was at the Famagusta Reference Hospital. She was previously residing at a home for the elderly.

The median age of the deceased is 76 years.
Today`s 270 cases are as follows:

96 from 522 samples taken in the framework of contact tracing 
84 from 213 tests at the Microbiological Labs of General Hospitals
2 from 96 tests at schools
3 from 253 tests from GP referrals and tests at publc clinics
69 are confirmed tests via PCR taken  from 75 rapid tests.

The rapid tests were 5,828 and 202 came back postive but need to be confirmed via a PCR.

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