Cyprus Ministry of Health announces 3 deaths due to COVID-19 and 424 verified cases of coronavirus

The Ministry of Health announced on Friday that three people lost their lives due to COVID-19, bringing the number of deaths since the outbreak of the pandemic to 75, of whom 49 are men (65%), and 26 are women  (35%) with a median age of 77 years.
The Ministry also announced that 110 patients are receiving treatment at state hospitals, 17 of whom in a critical condition.

Meanwhile, 12,816 tests were carried out on Friday, 3,922 with the PCR method and 8,894 antigen rapid tests and a total of 424 people tested positive, including 122 verifications of rapid tests done in previous days.

The number of verified cases rises to 14,476.

In addition, 213 people had a positive result after testing with the antigen rapid test method, and the results need to be verified with the PCR method.

 The three people who died are a 63 year old man with underlying conditions who was treated in the Intensive Care Unit of the Nicosia General Hospital, a 83 year old woman with underlying conditions who was being treated at the Famagusta General Hospital and a man of 81 years of age with underlying conditions who was also at the Famagusta General Hospital.

Regarding hospitalisations, 59 patients are at the Famagusta General Hospital (5 of whom in the Increased Care Unit), 27 are receiving treatment at the Nicosia General Hospital (12 in the ICU), 15 patients are treated at the Limassol General Hospital and 9 at the Makario Hospital in Nicosia.

Out of 3,922 laboratory tests done with the PCR method there were 424 cases which were detected as follows: 129 out of 883 samples taken after contact tracing, 1 out of 332 samples taken at airports, 126 cases out of 1,660 tests done after private initiative, 25 cases out of 475 samples taken at the Microbiology Labs of the General Hospitals, 2 out of 133 samples taken at schools, 18 cases out of 159 tests done at care homes and other structures, 1 case out of 13 samples taken at refugee camps and 122 cases out of 128 tests carried out to verify antigen rapid tests done in previous days.

No cases were found after 116 tests done among residents of Kato Pyrgos Tillirias, and 23 samples taken after GP referrals.

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