Walk it off


There are many people that are unable to use gyms or even exercise at home, yet they keep fit with some good walking. I have an elderly aunt that has never used a gym, but keeps herself fit by simply walking to the shops, around the store to get her groceries and then walks back – this is her exercise routine. She looks amazing for her age and keeps herself youthful not only with physical fitness but with attitude; she keeps her personal appearance in order, with hair and nails done and a little subtle make up. If she told people her age, they just wouldn’t believe her!

There are many people like this, and if you pardon the pun, we should follow in their footsteps by taking a leaf out of their book of activity. In the past, I personally was not one for taking a stroll in the park or going for walks very often. In fact, I would drive to the local post box instead of walking – what would take me probably only three minutes. I hold my head down in shame. I did so partly because I thought I was too active in general from the dancing, kickboxing, weight training and teaching of other subjects, all of which the majority involved walking around. If I wasn’t walking around at work, I was always walking around at home or in the garden doing things, so a walk anywhere unnecessary seemed pointless for me. However, things changed, and I now think differently of course. Every little bit of activity can count as aerobic activity towards health. I could now use that walk or run to the post box as part of my warm up before training, even more so now as there is limited choice to our usual activity.

We may not be able to meet our friends for a sing-along and dance at present, however, a good walk outside in the fresh air is great for both the mind and body; whether you choose to take a walk with others or walk solo for some meditative thought and inward contemplation, it is all good for you. I was inspired by a friend who I hadn’t seen for a while that goes for local walks regularly. She suggested I join her for a walk and a coffee stop, so for a change, I actually decided to stop the project I was working on and take a walking coffee break. I wrapped up well, put on my toning fitness boots and off we went. It was great, I couldn’t believe it, she showed me a local, hidden retail area and coffee place I didn’t even know existed. I wondered how many other areas I had not discovered in my surroundings. It opened my eyes and made me think it was time to make a change. Taking time out for a walk and a coffee every now and then, just switching off, is the ideal break from everything and great for supportive spirit and morale for one another – a new fitness regime for body and mind.


The benefits of walking


Walking is suitable for all ages and abilities. It can improve fitness and can help tone physique, increase strength and endurance and can also help shed unwanted weight. It can help speed up metabolism and boost calorie energy burning. The more intense the energy, the bigger the burn, so if you want to make it a workout at the same time, step up the pace with some top tips to get results:


  1. Pick a direction and discover your local area. Start off with a journey and distance that seems manageable to begin with. Allow energy for walking back of course.
  2. Always start by walking on flat ground to warm up and then gradually make it harder by finding a small hill to go up.
  3. Each time you can improve and find bigger hills to walk up.
  4. If you are able to, use the downward slope of hill with its useful gravitating assistance, to either make it a brisk walk or run down.
  5. Gradually reduce the pace of your run or brisk walk to a comfortable pace, as you walk back to your home destination.

Get fit and toned with a friend or alone, as you take in and absorb the beauty of nature’s outdoor space.


Love and sparkles

Samsara xxx


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