The future is blue and green for Enfield
Enfield’s ambition is to become the greenest of all London boroughs and the Council is asking for the public’s views to make this a reality.
Enfield Council has launched a consultation on its Blue and Green Infrastructure Strategy at, which seeks opinions on how to protect, improve and expand the borough’s network of parks, rivers, lakes, woodlands, canals, wetlands, playing pitches, allotments and more.
The Council wants to work with residents, community groups and other stakeholders to improve the quality, condition and accessibility to the borough’s blue and green spaces.
The ten-year strategy also includes proposals to update the existing Parks and Open Space Strategy and Biodiversity Action Plan to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and the threats arising from climate change.
Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Guney Dogan, said: “One important aspect to have come out of the COVID-19 pandemic is to understand the true value of our blue and green spaces and how important these have been to our physical and mental health during national restrictions and lockdowns. As a result of this, and our far-reaching ambitions as a Council, we want to expand our blue/green spaces so they are not just confined to remote areas of countryside but they are fully accessible, high-quality spaces at the heart of our most densely built-up areas, such as town centres. In addition, investing in improving this network helps the borough respond to a changing climate and more extreme weather.”
The Strategy supports the Council’s plans to become a carbon neutral organisation by 2030 and a carbon neutral borough by 2040. Enfield Council is also mindful of the health inequalities in the borough and the need to increase levels of outdoor, physical activity amongst residents.
Enfield Council is already embarking on ambitious projects across the borough to enhance and maintain blue/green infrastructure. It has started a substantial programme to plant 100,000 trees in the north of the borough, restoring the ancient Enfield Chase woodland. In addition, work has begun to restore up to 350 metres of Turkey Brook within Albany Park and create a flood storage area that will reduce flood risk to over 200 local properties.
The consultation remains open until 5pm on 11 January
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