Statement by the General Secretary of AKEL A.Kyprianou on the measures to deal with the pandemic
Some of the government’s announced measures make no sense at all
AKEL C.C. Press Office, 28th November 2020, Nicosia
I want to make it clear from the very beginning that we are not experts, nor do we want to replace them. On the contrary, we have been saying all along that the decision-making framework must be determined by the experts and not by anyone else. However, the measures that are being decided based on our expert’s opinions cause concerns and raise questions because first and foremost we haven’t had the expected results.
I have heard the views of numerous experts. We see that there are various ups and downs in their opinions.
Once again, nothing was said by the Government about providing support to public hospitals. We say that public hospitals are under pressure and that they cannot meet the needs that arise, but the Government isn’t taking any measures to support them. We had submitted a very specific memorandum of 18 proposals in May to the President, the Ministry of Health and the state health services (OKYPY) on what needed to be done to prepare hospitals for the second phase of the pandemic. We arrive at the conclusion that nothing has been done in this direction.
Some of the measures announced make no sense. Let me just give some examples. For example, the measures on gyms. Based on what is being said by the scientists and the owners of gyms, all the required measures are being taken and the number of cases were minimal. We do not understand why the gyms will be closed. As for catering businesses: when you tell them to close at 7 it means you do not in essence allow them to open. These things are absurd in our view. The Government should have treated them differently.
The problems that are being caused are enormous. We are concerned that too many small and medium-sized businesses will close down as a result of the measures taken by the Government. There needs to be a comprehensive plan so that when the pandemic is over, these companies need to be supported so that they can reopen.

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