Last night Full Council passed a report outlining the administration’s opposition to the Government’s proposals as part of plans to bring an overall to the national planning system.

Even though the Government’s planning proposals have attracted cross party criticism from local and national politicians, Conservative Councillors abstained from the report.

The Enfield Conservative Group, led by Cllr Laban, refused to endorse the Council’s report which asks the Government to reconsider the planning changes. Cllr Laban also previously declined to sign a joint letter with Cllr Caliskan and Cabinet Member Cllr Savva, to the Secretary of State outlining concerns.

The radical planning proposal from Government would mean that local residents would no longer have a say on planning applications in their area. Enfield Council Leader, Cllr Caliskan warned that the “proposals would increase national control over local planning and that it would undermine local democracy”.

The Council report, a response to the Government’s planning proposals, was debated at Full Council.

Labour Councillors said that the planning changes from Government could have serious negative repercussions for the borough. Government plans risk uncontrolled development on protected areas, including the Green Belt.

Labour Councillors are also worried about the proposal to allow homeowners to build two additional residential storeys as upward extensions. This proposal would have a huge visual impact across Enfield, especially conservation areas.

Enfield Council warned that the Conservative Government proposals would allow for office spaces and vacant building to be replaced with poor quality residential units, significantly damaging town centres at a time when local economies need to be supported.

During the Full Council debate, members from across the political spectrum, all recognised that the Government was wrong to suggest that slow housing delivery across the country was linked to the planning system.

The Government’s White Paper does little to address the funding or infrastructure needed by Enfield Council to deliver affordable homes in the borough.

In her summing up, Cllr Caliskan criticised Conservative Councillors for not supporting the Council report which challenged the Government’s planning White Paper: “Enfield residents will not understand why Conservative Councillors are not voting for this report which defends the right of our residents to express a view and be heard when it comes to planning issues”.

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