Con artists and spammers are at work all through the year, though one will find that leading up to Christmas, there is a rise in the number of spams and persons trying to get you to depart with your hard earned money, promising you low price items in an effort to make you believe them and fall into their trap.

If you think it sounds to good to be true, keep away, do not fall for it, because it probably is too good to be true. Many times these crooks have nothing to sell – they simply make you make a payment in advance for something, be it an item or Bit-coin, or say they have a parcel you need to pay for in advance before delivery.

Spammers, scammers, con artists, call them what you like, are at work everywhere on Facebook, by email, phone, or post, giving false addresses, just a phone box somewhere.

Never agree to enter into any deals by phone or by any other means with persons you do not know or are not sure about.

I have noticed during the last week, that phone calls and offers have increased in numbers, and most of them are scams.

Please report them so the police can trace them and also bring it to the attention of the Local Authority.

In these difficult times of lockdown please be careful, very careful, as there are dangers not only from Covid-19.


Cllr. George A Savva MBE   

Haselbury Ward

Cabinet Member for Licensing and Regulatory Services

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