Witnesses are being sought to an affray on Blindman’s Lane, Waltham Cross.

The incident took place around 12.30pm on Wednesday 11 November.

Call 101 quoting 41/92819/20 if you can help our enquiries.

We are appealing for witnesses, information and any CCTV or dashcam footage following an affray in Waltham Cross.

At around 12.30pm on Wednesday 11 November a man reportedly became involved in a confrontation on Blindman’s Lane with another man and a woman, which resulted in him suffering a back injury. His injuries are not life changing or life threatening.

Detective Constable Chris Jones, of the Broxbourne Local Crime Unit, said: “I’m keen to hear from anyone who witnessed this incident, who has not already come forward.

“It took place near a nursery and parents may have been in the area and seen something during the lunchtime drop-off and pick up time.

“Additionally, if you live nearby and have CCTV footage or if you were driving passed and have any relevant dash cam footage I’d like you to make contact.

“If you are able to help I can be contacted directly via email at [email protected]

You can report information online at herts.police.uk/report, speak to an operator in our Force Communications Room via our online web chat at herts.police.uk/contact or call the non-emergency number 101, quoting crime reference 41/92819/20.

Alternatively, you can stay 100% anonymous by contacting the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via their untraceable online form at crimestoppers-uk.org.

You can use our community voice platform ‘echo’ to let us know what you think we should be prioritising in your area. Your feedback will help towards shaping our local policing priorities, initiatives and campaigns. Visit bit.ly/herts-echo and tell us your thoughts.

*A 36 year old man from Waltham Cross was arrested on suspicion of affray. He has been released under investigation while enquiries continue.

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