A 25-year-old man named Thodoris Pavlidis, from Serres, a city in northern Greece, passed away after suffering with Covid-19 on Monday. His tragic death makes him the youngest person to die with the virus in Greece since the start of the pandemic.

Pavlidis also suffered from preexisting health conditions and he had recently undergone open heart surgery.

He was originally treated in the General Hospital of Serres, but was later transferred to Papanikolaou General Hospital in Thessaloniki, where he was intubated.

This tragic development reflects a disturbing shift in Covid-19 figures in Greece, as doctors claim that more and more young people with the virus are being admitted to hospitals and even dying from it.

On Sunday, Dimitris Bellos, or “DJ Decibel,” a well-known figure on the Greek music scene, also passed away with Covid-19. Bellos was just 39 years old when he died, and had no preexisting health conditions whatsoever. He spent three harrowing weeks being treated in the G. Gennimatas General Hospital before eventually losing his life to the virus.

Physicians in Thessaloniki are shocked by the rapid increase in the number of younger intubated patients there, many of whom are around the age of 40 and do not suffer from serious underlying health problems.

Additionally, there are approximately 11 patients in the 18 to 39 age range with the virus who are currently being treated in emergency rooms around the country — although it is not clear at this point how many also have preexisting conditions.

Although the vast majority of intubations and deaths in Greece are among those over the age of 65, the latest figures show that young people, whom many long feared were not taking the virus seriously, are not immune from serious cases of Covid-19, and can die from it.

Greek Reporter

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