The net used to cover this tree is not intended to stop birds from eating the fruits, but rather to prevent humans stealing the fruit – sadly it did not deter some heartless thieves.

Some have made it a habit of stripping the fruit from the fruit trees year after year on this allotment plot . Most allotment plot holders are decent people with honesty and integrity, others spoil it for the rest of us.

CCTV is now the solution to catch these thugs; they should not call themselves plot holders. They have shown no trust or respect for other people’s property.

In March this year, there were no less than 50 sheds broken into, and since then, items from plots have gone missing on a regular basis. There are calls for police to patrol these areas as they used to before.

Some plot holders are considering giving up this hobby. It is a very healthy exercise, but not so healthy when you see your months of hard work vanishing overnight. Those who carry on like that should be caught, named and shamed.

Where is the society heading to I wonder. They tore the net to gain access to the fruit – whatever next!

Councillor George Savva 


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