Most of us try to preserve our youth with endless beauty routines, vigorous exercise and healthy eating regimes. I am all for it and constantly try to motivate people in doing just that. What is important to know, is what exactly declines at each physical birth age, in order to combat it. Prevention is always better than cure, and of course easier to control.

In your mid-twenties, the skin’s cell structure starts to break down and the beginning of some visible signs may occur. You may start to see some fine facial lines around the eyes, forehead, or even some laughter lines. Don’t stop laughing, it is not the end of the world! You can beat this.

How you age is of course genetically determined. You can however slow down the inevitable with some simple precautions. What you need to do:

Moisturise with cream regularly for both face and body; make sure you include some sun block, into you moisturising routine daily.

Drink plenty of water, as it not only helps maintain moisture in the skin, it helps get rid of toxins and waste in the body. If you bon’t like bland water, flavour it up with some lemon or orange for that added vitamin C or try herbal teas.

Exfoliate regularly, removing dead skin cells with a gentle facial scrub. A little oatmeal or sugar granules, for a little more abrasive action added to your cleanser, can work a treat.

Remember to apply everything in upward motions and in towards the nose, to avoid tugging on the skin necessarily.

In your mid-thirties, it may be at the time when juggling work, career and family all gets rolled into one. Being a superhero character and multi-tasking becomes a way of life even more so, but the price may be not so much time for yourself. It is likely to be a stressful time, craving comfort foods like fast food or sweet things like chocolate. It can be a time when your immune system drops because not as much time is invested on yourself. What you need to do:

Try to set aside some ME time once a week. Ask for assistance and delegate a little to allow for an extra beauty treat like a proper facial and some switch-off time. Get your hair, nails done, read a magazine, whatever it takes to relax and unwind.

Make sure you do some regular exercise to maintain a healthy heart, as well as strength and stamina for when you are on the go the rest of the time. Eat healthy and make your sugar sweet treats minimal – make it an odd weekly treat. Personally, I always say how can it be a treat if it is bad for you and always opt for a healthier option. Sweet treats for me are cakes that I make myself without added sugar. I use alternative sweetening methods like fructose or agave syrup; there are so many different alternatives nowadays.

Even if you are eating out, go for healthy options. If your exercise regime is not so regular, you may notice your metabolism starts to slow down and you start to put on a little weight. So step up that exercise and combine with good eating and you can stay fit and healthy without a struggle through every decade.

In your mid-forties, the menopause may be creeping in gradually. Moods may change as some hormones start to fluctuate all over the place and hot flushes and sweats may occur.

The bones may weaken, joints can also suffer as one may notice a few breaks or ailments trying to set in. Weight gain can also occur. All the above can actually be alleviated with some basic lifestyle actions. What you need to do:

Sufficient calcium and vitamin D in the diet can help avoid brittle bones. Low fat cheese, yoghurts and skimmed milk helps with protein intake and maintaining strong bones and teeth.

Make sure the diet is low in bad fats but sufficient in good fats. Eat regularly and healthy. Avoid processed foods, instead include pure olive oil in your cooking and baking.

Makes sure the exercise routine is still maintained to keep the metabolism working at good rate. If it slows down, weight gain will occur.

Eat soya foods regularly for young hormone boosting simulation. This can actually help avoid some of the menopause problems that occur.

In your mid-fifties and above, if you have been following all the good living practice throughout the years, you will find that many things have been held back. Skin sagging, heavy wrinkling, weight gain, aching joints and osteoporosis – all these which were once the normal at this point in life, is no longer the case. Of course some things are inevitable, but doing your best in all and you will surprise not only yourself, but others too if they know how old you actually are. What you need to do:

  1. Be happy
  2. Eat well
  3. Exercise well
  4. Take time out for you
  5. Laugh a lot
  6. Keep up your hair and beauty styling
  7. Keep up with your own fashion styling trend always
  8. Aim to sleep well, with good quality sleep as much as you can
  9. Live life to the max and accept mellow days as ok and a necessary part of life


Love and Sparkles

Samsara x

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