Looking and feeling younger than you actually are is all about mindset. So if you have not already done so, let’s break it down and get on with a fail proof plan that can be put into action.



Start by making sure sleep is of good quality; feeling refreshed and energised after sleep is the requirement. Many of us have woken up from a sleep still feeling tired – being lethargic and drained, with little concentration and enthusiasm for doing anything, is ageing in itself.

Sleeping can repair any damage done during the day. Sleep produces less of the stress hormone cortisol, which causes inflammation in the body and becomes elevated when sleep deprived, so making sure you get good quality sleep is essential. Everyone is different as some of us function well on seven or eight hours sleep, while others can cope with less. Find what works for you – go to sleep at a regular time, not setting the alarm, and see how many hours you need to sleep to feel refreshed and energised afterwards.

Sleep also reproduces new cell production. As an example, it is said that if you go to sleep at midnight every day, the body would start replenishing its new cells one hour into the sleep. Therefore if you have one or two late nights, you can miss out on the all-important beauty sleep, hence how it got its name. This will show itself with dilated skin pores the following day. This is why often the skin looks sallow and dull in lustre after an extremely late night.

Try and get a regular sleep pattern going and don’t go to bed hungry. Have something with tryptophan at night to help relax and unwind. Tryptophan is an amino acid that promotes sleep. It is found in protein foods such as milk, turkey, spinach, seeds and soy products. So that hot chocolate drink at night was for good reason, and if you go for that, just don’t add loads of sugar.



This seems to be the hype and advertising on labels in the vitamin section or beauty product department. It has reason, as it is again another abundant protein in the body. The main job is to create strength and structure. Made of amino acids, glycine, prone and other components, it is known for keeping the skin plump, supple and wrinkle free. It is also found in muscles, bones, blood vessels and even the digestive system. However over the years, the body does not produce as much as it did in its youthful years, which is why the body starts to show some signs like those of lines and wrinkles as the skin becomes thinner and drier. Stretch marks and cellulite are more visible. The joints start to creak and play up. The digestive system may not be as robust as it was. Collagen structural and strengthening come into action around the heart also. The amino acid proline minimises plaque and fat build up within them, keeping them clear. Another amino acid within the collagen, arginine, also helps to widen the arteries in the heart, to allow better circulation, especially needed when doing physical exercise.

Don’t despair, it is not the end to maintaining youthful appearance and function. Step up the collagen levels and boost by having some broth made from bones such as beef, chicken and fish. Simmer those soups and gravy rich cooking sauces regularly.

Make sure vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, oranges and strawberries are included regularly as they assist in the production of collagen. It is now so popular that you can buy bottles or sachets to get a daily dose of high grade marine collagen.


Youthful Mind

The best way to stay young is to keep up to date with what’s going on around. Hang around with like-minded people that have a great youthful approach to life – those that embrace life and have a zest for life; where everything is great, with lots to look forward to ahead. Make plans for the future, study or learn new things. Take on a subject, home study learning, going online – you can educate yourself on anything nowadays. Learn from others who are knowledgeable in their field. Spend time with the young and the restless, take some good tips from them. We can learn from everyone. Being older does not always mean wiser. Sometimes the older can become so set in their ways they don’t allow for change, or go with the flow.

Be spontaneous, do things that take you a little out of your comfort zone. Forget your age, act young, dress young, feel young forever. Age is just a number!


Love and Sparkles

Samsara x


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