The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) will pay a bonus totalling 6.9 million euros to doctors, nurses and cleaning staff working in Greece’s Covid-19 referral hospitals, as a sign of appreciation for their work during the pandemic, the foundation announced on Tuesday.
Greece is gradually inching back toward normality, cautiously planning for the future. For most, the past few months have proved challenging, but for some, daily conditions have been extremely demanding.
Every nurse, doctor, and member of the cleaning crews working on the front line in ICUs and COVID-19 clinics at referral hospitals across Greece has put their life at risk each day to care for patients suffering severe symptoms. The selfless, invaluable work of these more than 4,600 people has kept them top of mind for SNF in its efforts to support Greece during the pandemic. In recognition of their contributions, SNF is offering a gesture of appreciation totaling $7.5 million.
SNF will provide financial support in the form of an equal honorarium to all employees of ICUs and high-dependency units, as well as of the COVID-19 treatment clinics at the forty COVID-19 referral hospitals throughout Greece. All of them, irrespective of the position they hold, have put their lives on the line to help provide critical care to those who need it.
And they are certainly not the only ones. Many professionals in health—and other essential fields—have contributed their services in the battle against the pandemic. We are deeply grateful to all of them and extend our warmest “thank you” for their hard work and dedication. The needs engendered by the pandemic are vast, and the Foundation is not able to give the same honorarium to each of the professionals we humbly thank and esteem. We are here to complement, not to replace, the state.
SNF also seeks to help buttress the Greek health system’s preparedness to serve the public in emergencies like a potential second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. A grant totaling more than $17.9 million will make possible renovations at 15 hospitals across Greece to accommodate the addition of 155 intensive care and 19 high-dependency beds, as well as the implementation of an educational program for ICU staff. The new facilities will be equipped by the Greek state and other private donors. Working closely with the Greek government will tap into the power of public-private partnership, as does the Health Initiative, which also includes the renovation and outfitting of the 2nd ICU and Emergency Department at Evangelismos Hospital in collaboration with Thanassis and Marina Martinos and Aliki Perroti.