While we are concerned about the Cyprus problem, others are anxious about the upcoming Presidential Elections. They have already taken their decisions and have a candidate; a candidate without a political and programmatic basis.

It’s their right to do so! But one quite justly wonders:

– What programmatic and policy basis will they have as regards the solution of the Cyprus problem without an agreement on the most basic issue of the problem? Some of them state that they accept bizonal, bicommunal federation, whilst others reject bizonality and others federation itself.

On what basis will the President of the Democratic Party DIKO Mr. Papadopoulos, who has proven to be a devotee of the most extreme neoliberal policies, indeed cooperating fully with ruling DISY party and its President Averof Neophytou for a long time, will agree with the Socialist Movement of EDEK which declares that it rejects these very policies?

We point out the following novelty: they first found a candidate of the co-operating parties and then they’ll seek to merge diametrically opposing policies and approaches.

Let citizens judge the credibility of this alliance and any of their programmatic declarations.

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