The negotiation procedure is in crisis, threatening it with a complete collapse. Such a development might have incalculable consequences with regards the efforts to solve the Cyprus problem, the struggle for the reunification and liberation of our country and people, therefore for our future in the land that gave birth to us. Not least as we are not sure about how the UN and the international community evaluate developments.
In the light of these facts, AKEL from the first moment has devoted its energy to the efforts for the resumption of the negotiations. We made it absolutely clear that the two side’s focusing on the efforts to engage in a blame game, will simply widen the gap between them and lead the negotiations to a collapse. Such a development won’t harm Turkey, but instead our country and people. AKEL has taken numerous initiatives, fulfilling what we considered as the first and foremost patriotic task: the continuation of the procedure. Besides, this was also the stated objective of both the Cypriot and the Greek government. We had meetings with Turkish Cypriot parties and visited Brussels, as well as submitting proposals and opinions.
From the outset we made it clear that:
– Mr. Akinci overreacted and his reaction was detrimental to the overall effort. The unanimous Declaration of the National Council, but also a host of positions and statements made by the General Secretary of AKEL and other Party leading militants are quite clear.
– Turkey showed that it was looking for a pretext to lead the procedure into a problem.
– The position of the majority of the House of Representatives as regards the notorious issue of the Enosis Referendum was wrong. It gave excuses and exposed the Greek Cypriot side. The responsibility of those who were led astray as a tail of fascist ELAM is enormous, as well as those of who voted for the proposal tabled by ELAM and those who hid by abstaining.
Our own handling of the issue was of great significance and despite the fact that developments do not depend on us, our own stand is very important as it is helpful and does not provoke damage. The reactions inside the parties of DIKO and EDEK and the government’s discourse about a ”mistake” having been committed leave no room for further discussion. If the assessment that Turkey was looking for excuses/pretexts is correct, we wonder why such a pretext had to be given by our own side and why Turkey is looking for excuses when – according to the narrative of certain circles and force – everything on the negotiating table was leaning to their advantage? This narrative is evidently erroneous.
Unfortunately in the attempt to resume the negotiations, Mr. Anastasiades’ stand was not the most correct. With frankness and with only the interests of Cyprus and the resumption of the negotiations in our minds, AKEL exerted criticism, putting our point of view across before the people. The attempts to identify any criticism made as a collusion with the Turkish side, is offensive and extremely undemocratic (as it refers to a silence of the graveyard), as well as reminding us of the dark pages in Cyprus’ modern history.
If certain circles and forces believe that the current crisis is an opportunity to destroy the negotiations they must state to the Cypriot people in a clear way what their alternative proposal is, not with generalizations and vague talk, but pragmatically and objectively.
Is it perhaps tension? Confrontation? War?
They should come out and say so clearly and with clarity.
At the same time, we must all comprehend what the perpetuation of the unacceptable status quo means.
It means the total “Turkification” of the occupied territories.
It means the final loss of half of our homeland.
It means the free areas will look like a quicksand.
It means uncertainty and insecurity will be the main characteristics that will engulf our people.
This does not of course mean a desire for any unacceptable “solution”. But it does mean waging the struggle and making every effort to rid ourselves of the occupation and reunite our country and people. At this stage, in our view, this struggle means the effort to continue the negotiations.

AKEL on latest developments surrounding the Cyprus problem
Statements by Christos Christophides, member of the Political Bureau of AKEL and AKEL Nicosia-Kyrenia District Secretary

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