Enfield Cypriots Association Public meeting for Cyprus Euro-Elections and the Local Elections in UK

Photo above: Charalambos Pitris, Photios Kouzoupis,  cllr Ahmet Oykener and Bambos Charalambous

Pre electoral gathering for the Euro and the Local Elections in the Enfield Cypriots Association (ECA)

The Enfield Cypriots Association (ECA) organised at Boleyn Hall on Thursday 8th May 2014 a Public meeting for the Cypriot Community for the Cyprus Euro-Elections and the Local Elections in UK. The meeting was chaired by Photios Kouzoupis, Chair of ECA  and the guest speakers were Charalambos Pitris, Organising Secretary of AKEL in Britain and the Labour Party candidate for Palmers Green ward in Enfield for the Local Elections cllr Ahmet Oykener. The Public meeting was well attended by members from both Cypriot communities.

Both guest speakers spoke about the importance of everybody to take part in both elections and exercise their right to vote.  They ask them before they go to the ballot box to think and remember the forces of progress who always stand and fight with them for their rights and their struggle for better social and economic conditions and also to remember the political parties who were supporting the axing of services in health, education and housing, the removal of social benefits and in general the support of the neoliberal policies of the ruling forces of the EU and the cooperation to implement such policies by certain individual neoliberal central governments.

The Cypriot Community in UK and especially the people of Cyprus have bitter experiences of such policies and decisions taken by EU mechanisms. Both speakers stress that the priority issue for the forthcoming Local Elections in UK is not only an option to choose people from our Community to represent us but to support the political party who has the people who will work with our Community and they will struggle for better social-economic conditions and services aiming to serve the majority and the ordinary and disadvantage people and not the few and wealthy people. The past events and history has shown and proof that the forces of the progress and socialism are the ones that work for the disadvantage and ordinary people.

On Cyprus both speakers stress that 40 years of separation and forcible division is enough and there is the need to work for a peaceful solution based on the relevant UN resolutions, the High Level Agreements and the European Acquis Commuautaire for a Bi-zonal, Bi-communal, and Federal Cyprus for its entire people. Finally both speakers urge the members of the public to support the candidates of AKEL and Labour for the Euro Elections and the Labour candidates for the Local Elections in UK

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