Former President Christofias: EU has not met the expectations of the people of Cyprus
The EU has not succeeded in meeting the expectations of the people of Cyprus, former President of the Republic Demetris Christofias has told the Cyprus News Agency, on the occasion of the completion of ten years since the accession of Cyprus to the European Union.
Christofias pointed out that the EU did not meet the expectations of the Cypriot people as regards the prospects to solve the Cyprus problem and as regards the economic/social aspects, since it victimized Cyprus through its decision to impose a haircut on peoples` bank deposits.
Speaking to CNA, Christofias said that the Cypriot people and political parties believed that the accession of Cyprus to the EU would contribute to the efforts to solve the Cyprus problem and would exert pressure on Turkey to end the illegal occupation of 37% of Cyprus` territory and solve the problem in a just manner, based on the European acquis communautaire.
“The extent to which this was done or is being done is very questionable”, he said. However, he did acknowledge that the EU had a positive impact on the Cyprus issue as well.
“I believe that the decisions of the EU Council in relation to the accession course of Turkey do exert pressure on Ankara. The fact that a number of accession negotiation chapters remain closed speaks for itself but one would expect more pressure on Turkey to solve the Cyprus issue and more support of the EU principles”, he pointed out.
With regard to the EU socio-economic policy, Christofias said that unfortunately the people of Cyprus and other southern EU countries are disappointed.
“It`s disappointing because throughout the Union neoliberal forces prevail”, he said, adding that those policies put the burden of the economic crisis on the citizens.
According to the former President, the EU has victimized Cyprus with its decision to impose a haircut on people`s bank deposits, unlike other countries which asked for help from the European Support Mechanism.
He added that those who claim that it was entirely Cyprus` fault, “ignore the fact that the economic crisis is a world crisis and that some Europeans have considered it a sin that Cyprus had become a financial center with many foreigners investing in our country”.
They also ignore, he added, the insufficient supervisory role of the European Central Bank and the Central Bank of Cyprus and the former Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus.
Referring to the March 2013 Eurogroup decisions on Cyprus, he said it was a blow to the image the Cypriot people had about Europe.
“I do not think there is a Cypriot today who glorifies the EU after the imposition of this unbearable burden on the Cypriot people with the decisions that have been imposed to address the debt crisis with bail in”, he stressed.
Asked whether Cyprus` membership to the EU can still serve as a catalyst for a Cyprus solution, President Christofias said that “it could have been a catalyst,” adding that “I do not think that it is a catalyst, even though overall I have a positive assessment of our presence in the EU as a full member, in relation to the Cyprus problem.”
Concluding, he referred to the Cyprus EU Presidency during the second half of 2012, saying that it was a very successful one and strengthened the Republic`s image within its EU partners and the European peoples
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