The Chief of Police was addressing Wednesday an event in Nicosia, during which equipment that was donated by the American government to the Cyprus Police was presented. Also, 41 members of the Police that participated in seminars in North Carolina and Greece in the years 2011-2013, presented their experiences. Both equipment and training were offered in the framework of the Antiterrorism Assistance Program and Regional Security Initiative of the US Government.
In his address, Chief of Police spoke of the threat of terrorism and the cooperation with the US.
“Therefore, we consider the assistance offered by the U.S. State Department, within the framework of the Antiterrorism Assistance Program and Regional Security Initiative, as very useful and supportive”, he stressed.
According to the Chief, the equipment and training offered, focus on the areas of Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime, The Forensic Examination of Terrorist Crime Scenes and The Crisis Response Team.
Chrysostomou expressed his gratitude to the US for their longstanding and valuable assistance and support in the field of security.
“ The large quantities of police equipment that have been offered to us on various occasions in the past, as well as the numerous training courses attended by our officers in Cyprus, in the US and elsewhere, have improved, to a great extent, our skills and efficiency in carrying out our duties”, he noted.
He also expressed his hope that Cyprus Police and the US will continue and further strengthen their cooperation in accomplishing thier common goal for safety, security and protection from terrorism and other forms of serious crimes.
Deputy Chief of the Mission of the US Embassy Andrew Schofer in his address, noted that the US Ambassador has worked very hard to enhance the bilateral relations in many areas, including security and he certainly recognizes that the ongoing cooperation with Cypriot law enforcement is an extremely important part of the bilateral relations, adding that on that the US are working actively to expand and enhance in the coming years.
“ It is the training interaction and cooperation that is most important in developing the relationship between the Cypriot and US law enforcement personnel, such personal relationships are the glue that helps form a larger relationship”, he stressed, expressing the hope “that we will see many more Americans here in Cyprus, including visitors, investors and tourists to enhance this relationship”.
Schofer also said that in the the coming year the US government is planning other training programs for anti terrorism techniques and other issues of mutual concerns such as trafficking in persons.
“Security is best achieved through close cooperation and that thankfully is something that we have helped to achieve through this program”, he said.