The government of Cyprus is encouraging Cypriot nationals not to apply for a visa to enter Turkey using the new procedure Ankara has introduced, which refers to “Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus” and does not include the Republic of Cyprus in the list of states, whose nationals need to apply for a visa.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs encourages holders of passports issued by the Republic of Cyprus not to apply for an entry visa to Turkey, under the terms of the new procedure for such a visa (for tourism or trade purposes), which came into force on 10 April, 2014,” a press release by the Ministry says.

The new visa system invites people to complete the necessary forms and submit their visa application electronically, through the Turkish government website. The visa is sent electronically to the applicant. The previous procedure, which allowed visitors to get a visa at the airport on entry to the country, was abolished on 10 April this year, the Ministry explains.
The Ministry points out that in the Turkish government website, the electronic list of states, whose nationals need a visa to enter Turkey, does not include the Republic of Cyprus.

“Instead, Republic of Cyprus passport holders are obliged to choose, through the newly introduced visa system, as a state for their citizenship a non existent entity they call `Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus`,” the Foreign Ministry says.
Under these circumstances, the Ministry encourages Cypriot passport holders not to apply for an entry visa to Turkey under these terms.

Turkey, whose troops occupy Cyprus` northern part, since 1974, is the only country in the world which does not recognise the Republic of Cyprus. In spite of repeated calls from the EU to “normalise relations with the Republic of Cyprus”, as part of its commitments emanating from Ankara`s European Union accession course, Turkey refuses to do so

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