His Excellency Euripides L Evriviades chats to St Andrew the Apostle School students

St Andrew the Apostle School students have been given a lively insight into a career as a diplomat and what it is like to be a High Commissioner.

His Excellency Euripides L Evriviades, High Commissioner for the Republic of Cyprus to the UK, visited the school in North London Business Park on Friday (April 25).  After chatting with a group of students, staff and governors, he visited science, food technology and music classes in which students explained what they were learning.  Mr Evriviades revealed that although he loves music and grew up wanting to be a conductor, he has no regrets about being a lifelong diplomat.

During an inspirational talk he described how he loved his job and how he and the students can learn from the ancient philosophers legacy.  He encouraged them in particular to follow Socrates advice on making the world around them a better place than when they found it.  He added that the Bible was also very important for helping to make everyone better human beings.

Referring to the school motto, Ever to Excel, he advised students to grow and to serve in the Homeric spirit.

Listen to your parents and teachers, never be 9-5, always have passion, and go for everything with tenacity and perseverance dont take shortcuts!

Headteacher Robert Ahearn said: This was an inspiring visit for everyone and the students were really engaged with all that His Excellency had to say. Its been a great honour and we look forward to taking him up on his invitation to visit the Cyprus High Commission in Central London to find out more about diplomatic life.

Mr Evriviades was accompanied by Leader of Barnet Council, Cllr Richard Cornelius and Cllrs Andreas Tambourides, Joanna Tambourides, Lisa Rutter and Barry Evangeli.

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