Mrs Andre Chris has been unanimously elected as President of the Enfield and Southgate Conservative Association.

Andre is the Founder and President of Havilands & Mardigo, Members of Knightsbridge Business Club, Enfield & Southgate Conservatives, BNI and a public relations executive for many associations.

She is a regular public speaker, political campaigner, enthusiastic, believer in good relationship with people in business and personal life and non-stop work in life.

On her new role, Andre commented, “As the newly elected President of Enfield Southgate Conservatives I am delighted that we have selected more Greek and Greek Cypriot candidates than ever before. They are fresh with new ideas and enthusiasm to be strong voices representing our community. They will make a good team as councillors with our local MP David Burrows who is a good friend of our community. But they need your support on election day!!! Please contact me at [email protected] if you would like to meet with them or require any further information.”


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