A Cypriot  journalist is in hot water with the web community, accused of being insensitive by registering and trying to sell an internet domain name related to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370.

The disappearance of MH370 remains a mystery as investigations continue. As family and friends of the 239 passengers wait for news about their loved ones the journalist in question was slammed for thinking up of ways to profit from the ordeal.

According to the registration data site, mh370.com was registered on March 7 by the Cypriot resident. The plane however went missing on March 8, leading some sites to suggest foreknowledge but the coincidence was later put down to time-zone differences.

“I registered the domain name right after the announcement of the plane incident for business purposes. Many people may be interested in buying this name now and I have already put it on eBay,” the journalist was quoted as saying on ‘online.thatsmags.com’ website.

The domain name was taken off eBay, where it started off at a price of 250 pounds sterling, reaching 2,500 before being taken down. It is speculated it was taken down after people’s response to the “creepy and gross” move.

The journalist was said to have embarked on such business endeavours in the past, allegedly registering the website littleprinceofcambridge.com, which is assumed to have been registered at the same time as the birth of Prince George of Cambridge.

Cyprus Mail

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