Government Spokesman Christos Stylianides announced Wednesday the composition of the Cabinet, after the resignation of all its members.

The Ministers handed in their resignation to the President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades earlier this month, following a decision by the former coalition partner the Democratic Party to withdraw from government.

Philippos Patsalis, Director of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, was appointed to the Ministry of Health.

Academician Costas Kadis is the new Minister of Education and Culture.

The economist Marios Demetriades assumes office at the Ministry of Communications and Works, replacing Tasos Mitsopoulos who moves to the Ministry of Defence.

All the other Ministers, as well as Deputy Minister to the President and Government Spokesman remain in their positions.

Government Spokesman Christos Stylianides also announced today that the President has appointed the Director of the Audit Department of the Ministry of Communications and Works Odyssea Michaelides, in the position of the Auditor General of the Republic.

According to Government Spokesman, the President also appointed Irena Georgiades as Commissioner for Civil Service Reform, Iosifina Antoniou Commissioner for Gender Equality and Nestoras Nestoros as the Greek Cypriot Member to the Committee on Missing Persons.

He also announced that the Cabinet has appointed Toula Onoufriou as Chairman of the Cyprus Hydrocarbons’ Company, Eleni Vasiliadou as President of the Natural Gas Public Comapny (DEFA), Penelope Athinodorou Mantis as Chairman of the Board of the State Fairs and Angelos Loizou as Chairman of the Board of Cyprus Tourism Organization.

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