The only other Europeans more worried about their economy than the Cypriots are the recession-battered Greeks.

The vast majority of Cypriots seem to be pessimistic about the future of the economy as unemployment soars to 18% and more people fall in the poverty trap, according to the findings of the Eurobarometer survey.
Specifically, 97% of Cypriots say the present state of the Cypriot economy is bad, which is the highest percentage among the 28 EU member states, after Greece (98%), and much higher than the EU average (68%).
Only 27% of Cypriots said that they conceive their personal job situation as good, the second lowest rate after the Greeks (22%), while in EU28 54% provided this answer on this question.
Regarding the current situation of employment in Cyprus, 92% of the people consider it as bad. The percentage in Greece is 99%, while the European average is 78%.
Some 77% of the Cypriots believe that the most important issue facing Cyprus right now is unemployment (a 5% increase from a similar survey in Spring 2013) while 74% said it is the economic crisis.
Regarding expectations from Brussels, the majority of Cypriots (50%), as well as other EU citizens (47%), expect that the EU will help to improve the economy and to introduce measures to combat recession.

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