How the Turkish Cypriot press covers Monday’s meeting between President Anastasiades and Dervis Eroglu
Under the title “The necessary basis exists”, Turkish Cypriot daily KIBRIS newspaper (26.11.13) reports that the Turkish Cypriot leader, Dervis Eroglu and President Anastasiades held a meeting that lasted for almost 2.5 hours at Chateau Status restaurant in the buffer zone Monday. Noting that no progress was achieved on the issue of the joint statement during the meeting, the paper writes that Eroglu told President Anastasiades that he was ready to sit at the negotiating table with him after the President’s return from his visit abroad.
“The message I want to convey to you tonight is clear: The necessary basis exists in the convergences which are on the negotiating table”, said Eroglu in a statement after the meeting.
Noting that impasse exists in the joint statement on the issue of Governance and Power Sharing, Eroglu said that he submitted to President Anastasiades his proposal to resume the negotiations from the chapter of governance and power sharing.
Eroglu added that he submitted some “new formulas” for overcoming the difficulties on the issue of the joint statement and that he reiterated his proposal to visit together with President Anastasiades the occupied Apostolos (Saint) Andreas Monastery before the end of 2013.
The paper writes that President Anastasiades said that the meeting was positive. He added that there is a lot of distance to be covered for being able to reach a result, but the representatives of the leaders will continue meeting for concluding the joint statement.
Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris Postasi newspaper (26.11.13) refers to the issue under the title “[They] talked together, but at cross purposes” and reports that the two leaders made separate statements to the press. “While the fact that the statements of Eroglu and Anastasiades were extremely different from each other drew attention, it caused comments such as ‘they talked together but at cross purposes’”, writes Kibris Postasi. The paper’s editor-in-chief, Rasih Resat writes in his column that in spite of the different statements made by the leaders, “we saw that the climate was positive”. “That is, they reached no point, but I think we would not be exaggerating if we said that there are at a better place”, he adds.
Turkish Cypriot daily Yeni Duzen newspaper (26.11.13) writes that “the meeting of the leaders is fruitless”, Turkish Cypriot daily Havadis newspaper (26.11.13) notes that “They could not agree”, and Halkin Sesi reports that “There is no result”.
Turkish Cypriot daily Afrika newspaper (26.11.13) covers the issue under the title “Anastasiades: there is still a long distance that we should cover” and Star Kibris under the title “There is a lot of way to be covered”.
Turkish Cypriot daily Kibrisli newspaper (26.11.13) refers to the meeting under the title “’I am sitting unconditionally at the table’”.