New impetus needed for a Cyprus settlement, President tells UN Assembly

President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades told the UN General Assembly today that the current status quo in Cyprus is unacceptable and its prolongation would have further negative consequences for both the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots.

Addressing for the first time the UN General Assembly since he was elected in February, Anastasiades said a comprehensive settlement should not be further delayed, pointing out that it is of paramount significance to inject a dynamic impetus into the effort for a solution.

He urged Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots to demonstrate the same determination and commitment and welcomed Ankara’s decision to accept his proposal for meetings with the negotiator of the Greek Cypriot community.

Regarding the economy, Anastasiades said that Cypriots are rising to the challenge and will soon lead the country to the path of recovery and growth.

In his address, the Cypriot President shared his “deep concern” as he said, of what is happening in various parts of the world, threatening the sovereignty of states, as well as regional and global stability, through, acts of state violence, acts of terrorism, infringement and calling into question sovereign rights enjoyed by states.

These, he said, “are just but a few examples which bear out the necessity, through collective debate and self-assessment, to evaluate if the UN principles, values and methods have indeed contributed to “maintenance of peace and security and respect for the fundamental freedoms and human rights of all people”.

The President said he “is not a romantic ideologist” but a pragmatic realist who acknowledges that in this imperfect world it is extremely difficult, even unattainable, to expect the full and unquestioning implementation of the UN principles and values”.

What is important, he noted, is to decisively enhance the Organisation’s role and safeguard the effectiveness of its decisions, as well as its actions, noting that “should decisions or resolutions based on international law or condemning violations of human rights are not implemented or enforced, then this could be seen as fostering or even rewarding arbitrariness”.

In this case, he added, regional differences and conflicts can indefinitely be prolonged, serving the petty interests and expedience of their perpetrators, at the expense of international law and our universal principles.

An example, he said, is my own country, “a small European country, which has, for almost 40 years, been violently divided, despite numerous UN Security Council Resolutions which call for its re-unification and the withdrawal of the occupation forces”.

“I am committed to work tirelessly and with determination in reaching a viable and lasting settlement, in order for all the communities of Cyprus to live and thrive in a modern European country, fully respecting the values and principles of the UN and the EU, safeguarding the fundamental freedoms and human rights of all its people and ensuring their peaceful co-existence and prosperous collaboration,” he said.

He pointed out that he has already conveyed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, “my firm belief that the current status quo is unacceptable and its prolongation would have further negative consequences for the Greek and Turkish Cypriots. Thus, a comprehensive settlement is not only desirable, but should not be further delayed”.

In this respect, said Anastasiades, “I wish as a leader with a sincere vision of reuniting my country, to once more call on Turkey and our Turkish Cypriot compatriots to demonstrate the same determination and commitment and become partners in the effort for the reunification of a peaceful, secure and prosperous homeland”.

President Anastasiades said the reference of Turkish President Abdullah Gul, before the Assembly, to the 2004 proposal, which, through genuine democratic procedures, was not accepted by the vast majority of Greek Cypriots for a number of substantive reasons, does not absolve Turkey of its obligations and responsibilities concerning the efforts to find a just solution and does not truly reflect the realities on the ground, as borne out by the relevant UN Resolutions.

Nonetheless, he added, “I welcome the decision of Turkey to respond positively to my proposal to hold meetings with the negotiator of the Greek Cypriot community. I do hope and expect that this positive response will be followed up through practical and substantial steps and the adoption of a constructive attitude, guided by good faith which will contribute effectively towards reaching a settlement.”

In this respect, said Anastasiades, “it is my strong belief that it is of paramount significance for a dynamic impetus to be injected, either before or even during the negotiating process, in order to restore the confidence of the people of Cyprus to the prospect of reaching a settlement”.

Such an impetus, he added, “can only be achieved through the adoption of bold measures which are considered as ‘game changers’ and as creating a ‘win-win situation’, not only for both Communities but also for all the interested stakeholders”.

He cited the package proposal that he had already submitted which includes the return of the ghost city of Famagusta to its lawful inhabitants, under the auspices of the UN and in line with the 1984 UN Security Council Resolution 550.

President Anastasiades explained that “the return of Famagusta, despite the evident advantage of reviving the hope of the people of Cyprus”, will also provide benefits. He said the infrastructural restoration of a city which has been uninhabited for 39 years will undoubtedly lead to the creation of new jobs in a wide variety of professional fields, providing a major boost to the economy of the country.

Anastasiades said that his proposal, which is complementary to the negotiating process, is to the benefit of both communities and its acceptance would provide a much needed stimulus to the prospect of reaching a settlement”.

At the same time, he remarked, in order “to avoid entering a new frustrating negotiating process, the time for the start of the negotiations is not as important as for them to be conducted in a comprehensive manner, with clear substance, aims and targets”.

Anastasiades said he considers pivotal, before the start of the negotiating process, to establish clearly that the basis and the solution to be reached will adhere to the relevant UN resolutions, the High Level Agreements and the evolving transformation of the Republic of Cyprus in a bi-zonal, bi-communal Federal State, with a single international personality, single sovereignty and single citizenship.

Moreover, the settlement must embody “our capacity as an EU member State and fully enshrine its values and principles, through enhancing the role of the EU in the negotiating process”, he added.

Such a role by the EU, said Anastasiades, “would merely supplement and complement the UN Good Offices Mission, in order to guarantee not only our effective and efficient participation in the EU through the proper implementation of the acquis communautaire, but also the restoration of fundamental freedoms and human rights of all Cypriots”.

An important aspect of the Cyprus problem of humanitarian nature, said the President, is the issue of missing persons. Saluting the progress achieved so far, President Anastasiades said “This issue must be resolved as soon as possible, regardless of the developments in the negotiations”.

In his speech, President Anastasiades praised the positive and stabilising role that Cyprus can assume in the Eastern Mediterranean, especially in the areas of combating terrorism, fighting the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and providing humanitarian assistance, has in the past few months received extensive recognition, noting that “keeping Cyprus peaceful and stable and with a constructive regional role is a primary objective of my Government”.

“We have proven that we are a reliable and interconnecting bridge between Europe, North Africa, the Near and Middle East, both in terms of perception and in terms of actions, as well as a credible and stable country that gives true credence to being a safe haven,” he added.

On the economy, Anastasiades said Cyprus received unprecedented international attention due to the economic crisis and added: “we are proud to say that due to the persistence, determination and resilience of the people of Cyprus we are rising to the challenge and will soon lead our country to the path of recovery and growth”.

Noting that “my political vision is for Cyprus to receive yet again international attention, but this time for all the right reasons”, he added that the re-unification of Cyprus “is not only in the interest of the people of Cyprus, but also in the interests of the whole international community, since a solution to the Cyprus problem will undoubtedly have a very important spill-over effect in achieving and maintaining a much needed environment of stability, security and peace in our region”.

On our part, President Anastasiades said “we are determined to arise to the challenge of this historic responsibility and do our outmost with the aim of providing a more stable, prosperous and conciliatory future in our immediate region, so that our legacy is remembered by generations to come”.

Referring to the “very promising potential of hydrocarbon exploration in the Levantine basin”, Anastasiades said it “requires that all countries in the region to work closely together, bilaterally and regionally”.

Pertinent to this, he pointed out, “is the fact that Cyprus has assumed a leading role in bringing neighbouring hydrocarbon-producing countries together, seeking opportunities not only for maritime boundary agreements but also for joint efforts in exploring these hydrocarbon resources”. Energy, can, and should not be a source of conflict, but a catalyst for conflict resolution and regional integration, he added.

In his address, President Anastasiades referred to the Millennium Development Goals noting that while three of the eight goals have been achieved prior to the final deadline, much work remains to be done ahead of 2015.

Enhanced commitment, resources and efforts are needed as well as a coordinated and integrated approach, which can contribute to accelerating progress towards achievement of all the Millennium Goals, he added.



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