Stavros Malas extremely honored by election result

Stavros Malas, who ran for the presidency in today’s run off election, said the result he achieved was admirable under the circumstances, as he publicly congratulated Nicos Anastasiades on becoming the 7th President of the Republic of Cyprus.

“We will stand by actions and policies which the new president will adopt for the good of the country and our people because what matters is the unity of the people”, said Malas as he conceded defeat.

Malas received 42.52% of the vote or 175.267 votes while Anastasiades got 57.48%, accounting for 236.965 votes.

“Equally, we will be critical of any moves, decisions or handling we believe deviates from the best interests of the country and the people”, he added.

Malas said “we have fought a brave battle under unequal and hard circumstances, in an environment that was anything but friendly, which was shaped by various factors with pressure and dilemmas for our country”.

He said the result, first of all, honours all the thousands of voters who supported him. “I would like to thank them from the depths of my heart”, he said, and expressed appreciation to all those volunteers, members of AKEL party and others who worked for many months with dedication to help him get elected. He also thanked his family who supported him.

He also thanked those who supported him from the ranks of the Democratic Party, Socialist EDEK and the United Democrats, adding “we believe the result, under the circumstances, is extremely honorable and gives our political proposal great strength to continue”.

Malas further said that “we will fight to maintain a social state, defend labour institutions and labour achievements and safeguard our natural wealth. We are here to fight meritocracy, good administration and clear procedures”.

Asked what he intends to do the day after, Malas said “what matters now is not the future of any politician but the future of the country”.

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