Turkey satelite watching over Cyprus and Israel
Gokturk-2 satellite is reportedly a message to Israel and the Greek Cypriots; Obnoxious Bagis getting obsessed!!
Turkish daily Hurriyet newspaper (29.12.12, online) reported that addressing a ceremony on the occasion of the 49th anniversary from the establishment of Ankara’s Chamber of Industry, the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that the first images of Turkish Gokturk-2 satellite were the flags of Turkey and the breakaway regime, which are on occupied Pentadaktylos Mountains.
Hurriyet’s columnist, Umit Cetin writes that diplomatic sources said that this statement was a message to Israel, which was exerting pressure on France so that Goktur-1 satellite to not watch Israeli lands. According to the sources, with this statement Erdogan has sent a message to Israel saying “with Gokturk-2 we are dominant over Eastern Mediterranean, we watch you as well”.
Noting that these statements were also a message to the Greek Cypriots, the sources told Cetin that the images of the Turkish flags which are on the occupied Pentadaktylos Mountains “symbolize the victory against the Greek Cypriots”. “With this statement, the Prime Minister sent the message to the Greek Cypriots that ‘we are in space with the satellite we have made, we are dominant over the skies as well as we are over the land and the sea”, the sources argued.
Cetin reports that the Turkish EU Minister and Chief Negotiator, Egemen Bagis has also said they were proud of seeing the two flags among the first images sent by this satellite. He alleged, inter alia, the following:
“…The fact that the first images of Gokturk-2 are the Turkish and the TRNC flags on Pentadaktylos Mountains is both meaningful and a very clear message. The common fate between motherland Turkey and the TRNC has now been scraped in every part of the universe like a seal…Everyone now should realize the following: Turkey has entered into a rout that has no return. The end of this rout is to reach the level of the contemporary civilizations… As long as the Republic of Turkey rises and strengthens, the TRNC will also be strengthened. Those in Europe, who still do not realize this reality, should take their head out of the sand and look at the sky, at the universe. There they will see Turkey’s and TRNC’s mark, their rising power. Those without measure, who compare Turkey’s accession into the EU to a dream of a summer night in the middle of winter, should understand now that what they say is empty, very empty. Let the Greek Cypriots first be saved from the avalanche and then they could share the dream they see. In every process in which they undermine the solution and they exploit the non-solution on the island, Turkey is their nightmare”.
Gokturk-2 was launched from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in People’s Republic of China on December 18, 2012. Its monitoring station is in the campus of the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. Reportedly 100 per cent of the software and 80 per cent of the hardware of the satellite was produced by Turkish engineers. The satellite has a resolution of 2.5 metres.
Cyprus News Agency
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