A HIGH profile team has been appointed to produce a review of the North-East economy.

The North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP), which covers County Durham, Tyneside and Wearside, has commissioned the study that will be chaired by former Labour transport secretary, Lord Andrew Adonis

The private sector-led team includes Will Hutton, former editor in chief of the Observer; Heidi Mottram, chief executive of Northumbrian Water and member of the CBI’s national infrastructure panel; and the Right Reverend Justin Welby, the Bishop of Durham. There will also be input from a wide range of local experts.

The group will spend six months looking at what can be done to boost the region’s economy, before presenting their findings to Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg.

“There is enormous potential for growth in the North-East,” said Mr Clegg.

“The region has a proud history of manufacturing and sectors like this are an important part of the North East’s economic future too.

“For too long the UK economy has been focused on the City of London, ignoring the potential powerhouses of North-East cities. This region is a place where business can thrive, where things are built and made, I want to see much more of this.

“The Lep’s independent economic review will challenge existing assumptions and approaches. It’s not enough just to get us back to where we were. There can be no forgotten areas of Britain. We need to rebalance the economy by fostering growth across the region and across a range of industries.”

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