Cyprus government’s ongoing efforts to attract investments and boost entrepreneurship are significant, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Neoklis Sylikiotis has said.

Sylikiotis was addressing on Friday the Annual General Meeting of the Pafos Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Supporting entrepreneurs is the main matter concerning us, he noted.

“Significant efforts are ongoing to attract investments and to boost entrepreneurship through various measures”, Sylikiotis added.

To this extent, he said he recently submitted to the Cabinet a proposal aiming to facilitate foreign and local investments which fulfill certain criteria via a ministerial committee with the participation of himself and Ministers of Finance, Interior and Communications and Works.

Sylikiotis added that the proposal which aims to cut red tape was approved.

Tourism boosting measures in place, he noted, have already had positive results in the island.

Sylikiotis also highlighted the Cabinet’s approval of a simplification of visas for tourists from the Ukraine and said other measures are under study in view of the highly competitive environment in which Cyprus tourism operates

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