Turkey’s Health Minister on Erdogan’s health condition; Erdogan’s surgeon assures that Erdogan does not suffer from cancer diseaseAccording to Turkish daily Hurriyet Daily News (08.12.11) the Health Minister Recep Akdag, in statements yesterday at conference in Ankara, has said that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is “very well” following his November 26 surgery and continues to rest on the insistence of his aides even though he wishes to return to work.

“The Prime Minister’s state of health is very well. There is nothing to worry about,” Akdag said adding that it would be up to Erdogan and his office to announce when he would return to work.

Erdogan has been recovering at his Istanbul home since the November 26 operation on his digestive system.

The International Investors Association of Turkey (YASED) announced in a press release yesterday that Erdogan would deliver a speech at their annual reception on December 15. However, the Prime Minister’s press office did not confirm Erdogan’s attendance of the event, saying that his program for that day had not yet been fixed.

Meanwhile, according to Turkish daily Istanbul Milliyet Online in Turkish (08.12.11), Mehmet Fuzun, who is one of Turkey’s leading surgeons and the physicians who was present at Erdogan’s surgery, described the nature of the procedure and the state of Erdogan’s health to egedensoz.com.

Speaking about Erdogan’s health condition, Prof Fuzun said: “I was present there as a specialist of the colon and the rectum. We looked at and reviewed the post-surgery examination results. We know the speculation that has been propagated. However, Prime Minister Erdogan definitely has no cancer. The polyps that were removed were well-behaved [non-malignant].”


Fuzun said that it is hard to determine what caused the polyps that led to the Prime Minister’s indisposition and surgery. He added: “This may have many causes. It might have been caused by stress, genetic makeup, work conditions, and the type of food intake. Indeed, if one could know the general cause of polyps, the cause of cancer would also be known. Research and studies on this subject are continuing in the medical field.

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