British Labour MP Andy Love has said that after Turkish President Abdullah Gul`s visit to London he raised the question to the British Foreign Secretary whether the British government can set up an invitation to the President of Cyprus to come to London and speak with the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary about the Cypriot view on the negotiating process and how we can move things forward.
“I had an opportunity to question the Foreign Secretary last week. I asked him what move the Foreign Office does to raise Cyprus among the international agenda and following what we were told that it was a very successful visit of the President of Turkey, how important that they can set up an invitation to the President of Cyprus to come to London and speak with the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary about the Cypriot view on the negotiating process and how we can move things forward,“ Love told a meeting in the House of Commons.
“I can speak,“ he noted, “on behalf of those colleagues who could not be with you this evening and say they continue to be committed to Cyprus.“
He said that two conservative MPs also raised questions with the Foreign Secretary and made clear to him that there is widespread cross party support for doing more to try and engage with the Cyprus issue taking the negotiating process to a more positive direction than it has been in recent months.
It’s about time this was sorted, my uncle has been missing since the invasion