Turkey will not be allowed to use the Cyprus issue as an obstacle on the way to the successful completion of the Cyprus EU rotating Presidency in the second half of 2012, Minister of Foreign Affairs Erato Kozakou – Markoullis has said.

Markoullis was addressing an event organised by the Cyprus Academy of Public Administration and Civil Society Organisation OPEK on the EU Presidency. “Despite Turkey’s efforts and threats, the Cyprus issue did not become an obstacle to Cyprus’ EU accession and we will not allow Turkey to use it now as an obstacle for the effective completion of our Presidency”, she stressed.

The Cypriot FM added that “we will put a stop to any efforts by Ankara to infiltrate in EU procedures or demand unacceptable terms to the Cyprus Presidency”. She highlighted the fact that the rotating Presidency is an inalienable right of every member states and an EU institution, adding that no intervention is permitted, particularly by third countries.

Markoullis expressed the wish that the Cyprus issue is resolved before the Cyprus EU Presidency begins, adding however that Turkish continued intransigence during the ongoing UN led negotiations has left little room for optimism.

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