The contestants sing for survival as the live shows continue… Cypriot Sophie Habibis is appearing again tonight on X Factor.

HIGHGATE barmaid Sophie Habibis  survived the public vote last weekend to stay part of the X Factor.

The 19-year-old was saved after performing hit song Wherever You Will Go by American rock band The Calling with unanimous praise from the judges.

The former barmaid at the Whittington Stone pub returns tonight to perform alongside the remaining ten acts.

This week  also, we’re getting not two, but THREE guest acts coming to strut their stuff. Uh-maze.

Coming all the way from America are the silky-voiced Bruno Mars who loves us just the way we are, and rocky pop chick Kelly Clarkson – showing our finalists just how mahoosive a talent show can make you.

And for all you hip hop-sters out there, Professor Green is also taking to the stage.

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