Labour and Social Insurance Minister Sotiroulla Charalambous will attend the Tripartite Social Summit on Growth and Employment, to take place on Monday in Brussels. The summit will focus on ‘Enhancing trust and social dialogue to sustain recovery and structural change’.
The Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment aims to strengthen the involvement of social partners in discussions on macroeconomic problems.

The Summit was established by the Council Decision of 6th March 2003 in order to strengthen the involvement of social partners in the Lisbon Strategy, now the ‘Europe 2020’ strategy. The basis for the functioning of the summit is the Article 152 TFEU. Since 2003, Tripartite Social Summits have been convened regularly before the spring and the autumn session of the European Council.

The meetings of the Tripartite Social Summit are attended by prime ministers of three successive Presidencies together with the Ministers for employment, the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, the Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, and representatives of major European organisations and employers.

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