On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send congratulations to the people of the Republic of Cyprus as you celebrate your Independence Day this October 1.

Our two countries have enjoyed a long history of cooperation. Recently, you demonstrated your commitment to this relationship by opening your borders to hundreds of Americans and others who were fleeing unrest in the middle east, providing a safe haven to those in need.

The United States supports your efforts to reach a comprehensive settlement to reunify the island as a bizonal, bicommunal federation. We believe that negotiations are essential, and we urge all parties to intensify their work on behalf of peace and progress.

As you celebrate this special day, know that the United States looks forward to strengthening the bonds of friendship between our two countries as we work to build a more peaceful and prosperous future for both our countries

Hilary Clinton

2 Responses to Message from USA to the people of the Republic of Cyprus

  1. Φοίβος Σπάρος says:

    “The United States supports your efforts to reach a comprehensive settlement to reunify the island as a bizonal, bicommunal federation. We believe that negotiations are essential, and we urge all parties to intensify their work on behalf of peace and progress.”
    This is contradiction in terms: If by reunifying the restoring to an older condition is meant, the bi-zonal states exactly the opposite.
    But how much can we argue against this if our own leaders condone and promote it?
    That is why it is essential that we tell them our opinion
    Btw the idea “bi-communal” is racist. It recognizes rights only to the “communities” “Greek-Cypriots” and “Turkish-Cypriots”. It is the same racist English invention included in the Zurich-London agreements and it is the fundamental reason of the consequent troubles and man-made catastrophes in Cyprus. Not only does it force any other minorities to declare members of one of the two “communities” it also allocates disproportionate rights. The constitution, as it still stands, allocates disproportionately higher value to T/C vote. About 18% elect 30% of the Parliament. This is almost double the value of the G/C vote. And this is just an example. Now, with the BBF, the Annan plan, the “two states of equal status” etc, they are asking for the T/C vote to be worth even more. Those who are “διανοητικά λειψοί” (lacking mentally) accept and even promote such “solutions”. I do not; I speak in first person singular because I do not wish to put words in anybody’s mouth. Let those who agree say so and those who disagree the same. Turkey is well aware of this; one reason of carrying so many Turks as settlers or colonists is to match and even surpass the arithmetic superiority of the Greeks of Cyprus. Another, is to render the indigenous Muslims a minority. Their role was that of the “Ottoman remnants” in Davutoglian jargon. They were the excuse for Turkey to set a military hold on Cyprus, first in 1960 and then in 1974, in both cases under the instigation and full support of the British Foreign Office.
    My idea of a solution is for a unitary state (ενιαίον κράτος) with ALL citizens (Greeks, Turks, Christians, Muslims, Maronites, Armenians, Buddists, atheists or pagans) to have the same rights and opportunities. Protection of minorities rights and cultural backgrounds to be respected and protected but no super-rights be given.

  2. Anthony Joseph says:

    We lost our land, was that peaceful means .In 1974 our lives and our family’s lives were destroyed ,our homes and all our land were taken by force .The Turkish army still occupier our land today. Peaceful means, means that we need to get back what is ours .We did not steal the land we paid for it with blood sweat and tears .It was just taken away from us by force .There is no justices in that at all. I am also looking for a unification of Cyprus .But it must be done fairly with compensation of the years that had been lost. We must also get our land back. Must it be another 37 years ?

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