THE Mayor of Barnet joined birthday celebrations at a day centre for the elderly last Friday.
Councillor Lisa Rutter had tea and cake with Adelaide Phillips, who was celebrating her 80th birthday with fellow members of Chipping Barnet Day Centre at Ewen Hall in Wood Street.
The Mayor also joined in singing happy birthday to Roy Howcroft who is 90-years-old tomorrow, and met 101-year-old volunteer, Amy Jones, who makes cups of tea.
The centre provides a range of activities for around 30 elderly people, including scrabble, bingo and card games as well as offering trips to the seaside and theatre.
The Mayor, who aims to raise the profile of similar organisations, said: “The support by volunteers for the day centre is highly commendable.”
Angela Dickinson, secretary of the day centre, said: “The Mayor’s visit really made our afternoon. It was a wonderful day and all the members really enjoyed themselves.”